cum laude
May 26, 2019 I graduated cum laude for my study “Storytelling” in the Flemish Lier.
Today (September 28, 2019) I was allowed to show the final presentation there again, as a “laureate performance”. With that “I earned a medal from the city. Obviously I am delighted with it.
Veva Gerard; the teacher, who taught me for the past 3 years, now also wrote my announcement. Now I celebrate my pride!
“Marin Millenaar, well, that’s a special case. Storytelling students are the most stubborn students among all word learners, I know from experience. But Marin Millenaar is very stubborn. And I mean that positively.
Because Marin does everything in its own way, and with its own kind of wisdom. Whether it is driving the tram in Amsterdam, singing a song around a campfire, or telling a story at a festival, Marin Millenaar is Marin Millenaar, you cannot ignore it. If Marin is around, you know.
As a fellow traveler on his tram you will be urged through his microphone to watch that beautiful city awakening in the pale morning sun, or to change places to chat with someone you don’t know, or to sing along with a song…
As a storytelling teacher you are invariably hugged by him, and he ensures that no lesson is passed without a lot of laughter but also philosophizing about life.
As a listener you will be charmed by his Amsterdam accent, his lively nature, his naughty but also wise eyes, his exuberant singing.
Enjoy Marin Millenaar as I did for three years and watch his graduation performance “Augustus”, which is loosely based on a work by Herman Hesse.
The story is not about himself. Or maybe just a little bit? After all, don’t all the stories we bring ultimately tell something about ourselves? ”